Tammy Daniels

Tammy Daniels

 Masturbation that resulted in a man spilling his seed was illegal on a Sunday. In the religious state, 21-year-old Max and his family had just moved to. Something his stepsister Chloe found extremely funny. Max, who before the move usually masturbated once every couple of days wasn’t able to recently. Because of the wankforbiddian spell his stepsister kept putting on him. Which, since the move she’d been doing every day, except Sundays for almost a month. Chloe was doing everything she possibly could to make Max break that Sunday law. It wasn’t a secret; she had told him herself. “Sundays are the only day I’m going to let you touch that tiny pathetic dick of yours, and if you do, you’ll go straight to prison hahahaha.”

The previous three Sundays had been a real challenge for Max, with Chloe constantly blue-balling him; casting tease spells, and lounging around in very little. Sunday this week was different though, he had been too occupied to care. He was distracted with thoughts of a girl he had met online and became friends with, Tammy Daniels. Who he was going to meet for the very first time tomorrow; his first-ever date. Reading Max’s thoughts his older stepsister popped her head around his bedroom door, “Tammy’s going to be so disgusted when she senses how full your balls are. She’s going to think you're only using her to try and empty them. Last chance t-o-d-a-y! Because I’m putting a wankforbiddian spell on you come midnight that’ll last until next Sunday.” She teased, whilst making wanking motions with her hand, before laughing and going to her room.

Max was stressed. It wasn’t true, he had no intentions of using Tammy Daniels. He really liked her. He finally gave in when his dick started magically vibrating in sync with Chloe's vibrator, as she moaned in the adjoining room. He felt her tight wet pussy pulsating as she came whilst thrusting it in and out of herself. It was only a few hours until midnight. He couldn’t risk his 4-week unemptied balls scaring Tammy away like Chloe had said it would.

Knowing it was the only chance he was going to get to have a wank before meeting Tammy tomorrow, and possibly empty his balls. He gave in. He grabbed his dick and started stroking reaching the edge quickly thanks to the 4 weeks of denial. Sensing he had started stroking, his stepsister Chloe reinforced the cummingdenido spell she had put on him; a spell that swaps a blissful orgasm with agonizing pain as the semen shoots back into the balls offering no relief at all. She came harder than before, listing to his cries as he hit a painful orgasm block whilst hopelessly stroking his vibrating cock. Max kept trying, hoping if he stroked hard enough that maybe he could break the spell. Chloe, laughing, finally removed the cummingdenido spell as two policewomen she had called earlier entered Max’s bedroom, giving them a full view of him cumming all over his chest. Removing any doubt of his innocence.

Found guilty, an open and shut case with 2 witness police statements, and a quick scan of his mind. The judge offered Max a way to serve his six-month sentence in a fraction of the time. By using a spell that makes a man’s mind slow down to experience time slower than everyone else. It was thought to be kinder than locking men up in prison for long periods of time. It was also beneficial to the state; less money was spent on housing inmates and men were able to go back to work sooner, pay taxes, and contribute to society. Of course, they still had to pay for court costs, lawyer fees, and prison costs. All of which the judiciary system insisted was paid for in lust energy; the source and power behind magic that only women could yield.

Energy, that could be stored in batteries and used when needed. The whole process wasn’t 100% efficient, similar to joule heating, energy would escape. And so, one of the benefits of being a hired prison guard was that you could absorb the excess energy that floated in the air. This is exactly why pink-haired Sarah applied for the job in the first place. Today being her very first day.

The judge handed Max a six-month sentence and began discussing his options. Explaining that regardless of the time dilation he chose, he’d still owe 168 days of energy. The maximum dilation in Max’s case would reduce his time in prison to just one day.

Max thought he had hit the jackpot, and out of all the options chose a single day. Knowing he’d be out just in time tomorrow to go and meet Tammy Daniels, the girl of his dreams. 24 hours in prison, easy-peasy he thought, even if the spell made every hour seem like 7 days.

Max soon regretted it. Strapped to a wall in his cell. Next to him, the once 5-foot-2, 120-pound prison guard grew to Amazonian heights, now standing at over eight feet tall and 300 pounds. Growing bigger, stronger, and leaner with each second that went by, feeding off of Max’s excess lust.

Drunk on energy, Sarah used her powers to double his semen production, cast a teasing spell on his balls that felt like he was being tickled lightly with feathers, and increased the sensitivity to his dripping sensitive penis head ten-fold. In an attempt to increase his energy output.

Max’s scrotum painfully stretched as his balls grew larger and larger, filling up with unspent cum, as Sarah and the battery struggled to absorb his lust energy fast enough. Max drooled and moaned into his gag. Forced to watch POV porn on the virtual reality headset. Enhanced with magic that made him feel exactly what the guy in the videos felt. Slowed down accordingly so his brain could register it all. He was going out of his mind. For Sarah, it had only been 4 hours, for Max. The equivalent of 28 days.

28 days of being banged, sucked, and fucked constantly without sleep. And because of the Courts Cummingdenido spell, completely unable to cum. His sensitive gland was super-enhanced because of Sarah, making his nerve endings feel more sensations than humanly possible. The semen production spell doubling what he’d usually produce. Making his swelling balls ache as it produced 56 days’ worth of semen in just 4 hours.

Sarah, the once teeny tiny teen, now Amazonian goddess, stood by absorbing the excess lust energy to transform and grow. With the ambition of competing and dominating guys in the ‘Girls against boys, no powers needed’ wrestling sport. An ambition she had ever since her younger brothers signed up a couple of months before.

Chloe, sitting in the prison car park could feel Max’s energy radiating through the air. She tried to tune into Max’s mind but couldn’t make sense of his babbling incoherent thoughts, other than “It’ll all be worth it when I get to meet Tammy tomorrow.” Chloe laughed, got her phone out, and logged into an online account profile that she had created earlier that week and no longer needed; Tammy Daniels. And Chloe clicked, delete profile. Smiling to herself, Chloe thought about all the stuff Max had shared with Tammy, not knowing it was really her.




  1. Great work this is fun and nice work on the larger swollen balls, keep it up :)

  2. I still love the cute spell names the girls have, and the idea of a sister keeping her brother orgasm-blocked on every day EXCEPT the legally forbidden masturbation day!

    Great fun concept for a short story!
