I think the blogs up and running properly

I think I've managed to get my head around the settings to properly configure this blog. If anyone is having any problems with pages or links. Or has any suggestions on how to make it easier to navigate. Please comment below. 

I'll be uploading any images and comics in both 4K and HD resolutions. To make the blog more bandwidth friendly. Click on HD Comics or 4K Comics above to find them. 


  1. Great work have you thought about collaborating with Pfdees stories, I saw a post on the pfdee blog

    1. It was nice of P.F.Dee to give me a shout-out on their blog. I asked for advice on how this comic looked and stuff I could do to improve. And we’ve been communicating about it via email.

      I’m new to the whole 3d thing. So, I’m still trying to figure a lot of stuff out. Like ways of showing that spells are being cast and how magic looks. And I’m still trying to get some things right, like how skirts look when legs are crossed and facial expressions.

      But if P.F.Dee wanted to and thought I could do a good enough job with my current capabilities. I’d be happy to give it a shot.

    2. Amazing Dee you should have them do some comics of your stories and thanks for sharing can wed anything to help you get your creative writing juices going, missing your short stoires like em
      Fingers crossed Id be happy to tip both of you if you did either way keep up the great work and fun start :-)

    3. Sorry re above menat to write the top part on Dees page, great start with you work its fantastic you should talk to Dee about collaboration with some of his stories' like the attached ones we would all be happy to support you bot

  2. Always great to see a new talent on the Sex Magic scene! I tried my hand at comics, but found DAZ too frustrating to work with and found it hard to get the models to really look the way I wanted. Plus, by the time I got to trying it, I was already starting to wind down on doing erotica. I had already made some using a few of Illusion's Studios programs (Koikatsu and Honey Select 2), but they have a lot of their own flaws with these things.

    I think you did a good effect idea with using "ghostly" women.

    In my experience, the best looking 3D stuff still requires post-render touching up in Photoshop. Particularly if you want to do special effects, you might look into using art programs where you can draw or stamp the effects in over the 3D action.

    I'll go ahead and add you to my recommendations page as well, though I don't know how much further traffic I'll be getting.

  3. I left a message, but you might have to verify it first before it shows. Some words get messages blocked from view on blogspot.

    One thing I might also ask is if you would consider bundling your comics in pdf or cbz format? I find it handy to be able to have a stand-alone file to read from using my comics reader apps versus being dependent on a website. That's just me though, and if that goes against your plans for your content, I understand if you'd rather not.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Salamando Flames! I’ve been meaning to say hello. I just this minute sent you an email to share a link to my blog. When I came back and refreshed the page, I saw that you had already found it and had commented. I’m still trying to get my head around Blogspot and how to configure it correctly. So the comment thing is probably my fault.

      I’ll add a download page tomorrow when I get a chance, and upload this comic and any future renders in PDF format there too. I know the 4K renders have to be downsized to fit inside the document, so the images lose a little bit of quality. And the animated pages won't play. But I’m happy to do that for people if it makes it easier for them to read and access it. I should probably make a separate page for the animated pages too. There’s only one at the moment. But there will most likely be more.

      I’ll have to look into those programs you mentioned too when I get a chance. Thank you for the shout-out. I really enjoy your content.

    2. Kind of you to say, it's always gratifying to know I can still inspire! :)

      An advice page sounds like a good idea! Definitely, programs like DAZ have a steep learning curve, and a hefty price point with how you get nickel-and-dimed for every little asset. So especially for hobbyists, any tips and tricks is well appreciated! I tapped out early, so I only know some basics, myself.

      Personally, I found DAZ just too frustrating and inefficient to want to use regularly, so I ultimately gave up on it. It's fine for the occasional one-shot scenes, but it took me three days trying to render just eight panels for a comic I was trying to make, and that's with using as many render speed-ups as a I could manage. (You can see the results on my Captions blog, under the DAZ label.) Unfortunately, it was just not cooperative with my work flow and schedule.

      Seems I did not receive a direct email from you, but I am getting alerts when you respond to my comments here, at least. Google and Yahoo seem to really not get along sometimes (I'll get the "mailer demon rejection" warning any time I post a comment on Blogspot, even if the comment goes through!).

      If you want to try e-mailing me again, try again at my yahoo account, I still check that daily. Otherwise, I am on Discord as "salamando_flames" or reddit as "u/salamando_flames". Note that I don't check those accounts very often, and would prefer e-mail contact, but if our emails can't communicate, those are the other main ways to contact me.

      Keep up the good work!
