New Download Page

I've added a download page where you can download comics in PDF format for offline viewing. And an animated page to store any moving pictures that can't be seen in those PDF Documents. Any issues with those links, drop me a message. I'm currently working on a few things. I'll get back to everyone shortly.

I think the blogs up and running properly

I think I've managed to get my head around the settings to properly configure this blog. If anyone is having any problems with pages or links. Or has any suggestions on how to make it easier to navigate. Please comment below. 

I'll be uploading any images and comics in both 4K and HD resolutions. To make the blog more bandwidth friendly. Click on HD Comics or 4K Comics above to find them. 

(4K 2160P) Dion University: Sophomores and boob-jobs


(HD 1080p) Dion University: Sophomores and boob-jobs